Saturday, October 2, 2010

News: Viva la iPhone Bay?

Recently an app called IS Drive has appeared on the app store that allows people to access their ImageShack drive. The main issue is that the app can be configure to download torrents off of illegal fire sharing sites such as Mininova and The Pirate Bay.

This is strange of course because in the past Apple has been fiercely opposed to any kind of app that might promote piracy or other illegal activities. However, this app's acceptance through the app approval process maybe simple because no where does it say in it's name or description that is a torrenting app. Even it's creator says it isn't one, “I always had the thought that if I didn’t call the app a ‘torrent client,’ Apple would probably let it through the review process,” he told to Torrent Freak.

Still, the fact remains that this application is capable of downloading files illegally to an apple device. I doubt that the app or at least this version of it will be up on the app store for much longer. Then again, Apple has seemed to have a change of heart regarding app approval. As a result, lots of apps that were previously not permitted have arrived.

Usually I like to stay out of the whole piracy debate, but please, tell me what you think about the whole situation. Do you think it's good? Bad? Why? Do you even care?